
1. Fill in the form

Select a model and let me know if you have any preferences. For example, you can choose to have only brushed metalic details instead of polished.

2. Confirmation

When I have received your order, I will contact you for confirmation. We can discuss further details if you have specific wishes. I will provide an estimated date of delivery.

3. Payment

After I've received your payment I will start making your personal piece. During the process is possible to receive images or videos of your own piece being born.



+46 729 41 63 75

Why is this not a web shop?

The objects you find here are designed and hand crafted with great attention to detail, one by one. What exactly does hand crafted mean? It means no CNC machiening, no robots, computers, with only the maximum assistance by an electric motor tool controlled by hand. Each object requires many hours of work, from taking a raw piece of wood to plaining, forming, sanding, drilling, oiling to cutting the metal pieces and hand polish them to a mirror or brushed finish.